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Maybe it's because I already agree with SeaWorld's stance, though I can't help but read those posts in an immature voice. I hope other people who need other convincing read it another way.

That said, PETA wants to start with the best and most highly respected in zoos and aquariums. Their ads in general bother me (such as disposed cat carcasses in a dumpster), but I don't want to imagine what their anti SeaWorld propaganda looks like.
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CastleOSullivan said:
Maybe it's because I already agree with SeaWorld's stance, though I can't help but read those posts in an immature voice. I hope other people who need other convincing read it another way.

That said, PETA wants to start with the best and most highly respected in zoos and aquariums. Their ads in general bother me (such as disposed cat carcasses in a dumpster), but I don't want to imagine what their anti SeaWorld propaganda looks like.

Dude no one does
I think I saw a SeaWorld ad on CNN today, as I was walking through the lobby of my office building today.

I can't decide which snarky direction I want to go in with this...
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All I want to ask is that is it a ad for or against SeaWorld.( You dont have to answer if you dont want to though)

Also, I got a free magnet for being a part of SeaWorlds "Truth Team", which I think is pretty cool, and lets me know SeaWorld truly values our support.
^That reminds me, at the beginning of the year in my english class, we had to do one of those trite "all about me" type powerpoint presentations in front of the class (FFS, we're in high school). This one particular girl in my class, who isn't the brightest, stood up there and proudly proclaimed to the class that "SeaWorld is an abomination." I just about lost it trying to suppress my laughter.
More fall out from Blackfish

Hopefully this ends better then Keiko did.
The Virginia Marine Science Museum tried something similar a few years ago (2001ish?).  PETA managed to shut it down.

They wanted to create a whole dolphin center, dedicated to rescue and medicine.  Rhetoric and political power plays prevailed.
Nicole said:
The Virginia Marine Science Museum tried something similar a few years ago (2001ish?).  PETA managed to shut it down.

They wanted to create a whole dolphin center, dedicated to rescue and medicine.  Rhetoric and political power plays prevailed.

Actually (said in his best nerd) It was closer to 1994.

Mom spoke to city counsel as a expert on animal behavior in defense of VMSM.
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